Thursday, September 9, 2010

Willow Smith: "Whip My Hair"

This is Willow Smith, the daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. Also the sister of Jaden Smith. This week she released her first single "Whip My Hair". I will be totally honest when I heard she had a song out I thought it wouldn't be all that special. I concluded this because children of celebrity's have tried to persue muscial careers before, but failed. Not all but there is a few who can be named. However I was proven wrong, from the minuate I pressed play I ended up liking the song. Not to mention she is only 9 years old. I wish I was this talented in music when I was 9. The story gets even better, a few days later it was announced that she signed with Jay-Z's label RocNation. Which may be a new label, but already considered to be one of most legit labels around now. First off it's ran by Jay-Z who is one of the few real rappers around. Also because the artist who are already signed to the label are really talented. For example, J Cole. One thing I also like about Willow as an individual is that she is very unique and you see it in her clothing. It isn't particularly my style, but that doesn't matter the point is she is her own person. That is a very important quality to have in the entertainment business.

Here is her first single "Whip My Hair':

1 comment:

  1. Yeaaahhh that song is dope!
