Friday, December 27, 2013

Moving Forward in 2014

I haven't made a post on here in awhile and with a few more days left until the new year, I figured I would come on here and do a quick free-write. As I sit here and listen to Beyonce's new self-titled album I sit and think how much of an inspiration this woman is. By now everyone knows about my strong love for music and my aspirations of becoming a well-known and successful singer/ songwriter. So when it comes to an artist such as Beyonce I cannot help but be inspired with all that she does. I'm determined to work my ass off to one day becoming successful like Mrs. Carter. Last week I went to her Mrs. Carter Show here in Brooklyn and there were parts of the show where I became a little teary eyed because I was just thinking what if one day I get the opportunity to be on the stage in front of thousands of people and I look out into the crowd and see nothing but love from people who love and support my music and singing. 

I've been committed to private lessons for the past few years, but now I'm taking them 1000% more serious because this is something that I truly want for myself. With 2014 beginning next week I am only hoping for a more prosperous year and I'm hoping that all the work that I've done thus far and plan to do works out in my favor and grants me many opportunities that will lead to making my dreams coming true. 

Here is a school project from this past semester that I created about my love for music: 

Also remember to visit mrsgrapevine for all of my latest posts.