Friday, January 27, 2012

90's R&B

A friend and I was having a discussion the other day about the current shape of the music industry. We both are aspiring artist and after watching Olivia basically struggle with her music career on this past season of Love & Hip Hop on VH1 we basically admitted our fear to one another. Our fear that talent alone will not be enough to get you by within this music industry. In the middle of our conversation I began to drift off into a thought of 90's R&B. I'm not saying that today's R&B is horrible because I would be a complete lair, but I do believe that the state of R&B was at it's BEST during the 1990's. I only lived within the last 6 years of the 90's, but I do remember hearing some amazing artist from that era. Wanting to be apart of the music industry I can look back on that era as well as others and get ideas and listen to real real good music and learn. Aaliyah  is one of the main artist who inspired me to actually want to pursue being an entertainer, at first it was through dance at a young age. Then soon branched off into music, and now you have an aspiring singer within me. One thing that I noticed is that there are a lot of artist from the 90's who are actually still very relevant to this day, such as Mary J. Blidge and now even SWV. That only says to me not only should I be looking to make great music, but I need to also look to establish a long lasting career for many years to come. With all the hard times I'm experiencing I feel like I cannot give up on music. I'm just hoping that soon things begin to look up for me because this is all I want for myself within life, and it's something that I think of day and night. I know that sounds kind of corny, but it's something that's the complete truth and something that I really feel. Other than that the moral of the story is 90's music is the best.  

Here are some of my favorite music from the 90's:

SWV will be coming out with a new album in April

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