Saturday, November 27, 2010

Priscilla Renea

I'm back for another post on artist who are really talented that don't get the recognition that they deserve. This time I am here to talk about Priscilla Renea, signed to Capitol Records.

Priscilla Renea was first introduced to the world with her first single "Dollhouse", which was released in 2009. However her single didn't too well because it didn't even get a chance to make it to the Billboard 200. On December 1, 2009 she released her debut album Jukebox , like her first single her album was not able to reach much success either. I'll admit that I didn't really know who she was until I read an article about her in Seventeen Magazine. I remember seeing her video for "Dollhouse" on MTV, and I liked the song. The chorus was catchy "I'm not a doll, this ain't a dollhouse..." . But that was all I ever heard of her, I never knew she released an album or anything. Thanks to Seventeen Magazine I was educated and I learned how she was able to achieve success. She became famous from her Youtube channel, and she really made headlines when she sung the Webster's Dictionary. I decided to visit her channel and check out her videos. She has such a beautiful voice, and her music is very good. It's different from the music thats out now a days, but it's really good. Usually when I find out about an artist I go to school and ask my friends if they know of them. Turns out that two of my friends already knew who she was and they knew her songs as well. With that being said Priscilla Renea has achieved more success than any other artist who is not well known that I;ve posted about previously. She has yet to reach that world wide success that I believe she is meant for, but things take time. I follow her on twitter so sometimes I see tweets and twitpics of her working on a new album. I'm excited to see the kind of music she is working on. Two of my favorite songs from her debut album is "Rockabye Baby" and "Love Sick". This is only the beginning of her journey, so I anxious to see what direction she is headed to next.

Priscilla Renea's debut album Jukebox

Music Video for "Dollhouse"

To check out more of her amazing videos go to her Youtube Channel:

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